Meet Lola a 2 year old Great Pyrenees. She was pulled from a high kill shelter. She is house trained, crate trained, fully vetted. Knows basic commands, gets along well with most dogs, ignores the cat, walks well on a leash. Did well with her first grooming. This girl will need a low key home with a fenced yard for safe play ( Pyrenees) will wander if not contained. She is super sweet,will lie at your feet for hours. To give this girl a home. Apply at
BARC introduces MAUI. He is a JACK RUSSELL/HOUND MIX. He was born The early part of February, 2023. He came from a high kill shelter in rural SE Georgia and the entire litter, all boys, were saved by a good Sam and brought to rescue. They were pampered and loved to the max and are FULL of play but as gentle and loving as any pup could possibly be. They would each one make the perfect family pet AND would do well with older children and an active family. Maui would make a great best friend and companion and an ideal pet for an older child. This boy just needs a lot of love and attention to make him shine as the awesome boy that he is. He is completely vetted and neutered and microchipped.
Camou is a Mountain Cur who was abandoned in rural SE Georgia. He came in nearly starved 3 months ago and afraid. All this big pup needed was love and socialization. He adapts well to other dogs and enjoys playing and welcoming newcomers. He is shy at first but that last about ten minutes. He is a wonderful combination of big tough guy and sweet lovable lug. He does well on a leash and shares his toys and food with his foster siblings. This boy needs someone with time to give love and help him adjust to being part of a family. He is neutered, UTD on vaccines, heart worm negative and on prevention. If you are interested in Camou, please apply online at this link: . He is eligible for our first responders/veteran grant in which we waive the adoption fee. Simply apply online at : . Special consideration goes to those with disabilities or health considerations and needs.
Hi! My name is LEILA. I am about 4-5 years young. I was abandoned some time ago and left on a rural dirt road. A good Sam picked me up. However, he fell on hard times and had to ask rescue for help. The fact this good Sam had picked up over a dozen pets made it very urgent. Well, I have a foster home and BARC rescue is sponsoring all of my needs. I really need a person to call my own, or even better, a whole family to call my own. I love being with people and give all the affection I can to everyone I meet. My good Sam house and leash trained me and named me Leila. He has been good to me and several others but I really need a home where I can be special. After all, I AM special. I am completely vetted and heart worm negative and on monthly prevention. I am spayed and microchipped as well. I also come with a discount as they say I am 5 years old. I am very healthy and playful though and know all the right manners. I do need a fenced yard for safe play.